Like most people, the start of 2021 for me has been a challenging time. Hope is resurfacing though after a difficult winter. There are finally signs that spring is on its way, vaccines are helping to get Covid-19 under control and I am starting to dream of seeing family and friends again. The Spring Equinox tomorrow, the 20th March, where night and day are of equal length, is a great time to consider the balance of work and play moving forward into the summer.
I am very lucky to live on the edge of the Peak District national park in the Southern Pennines. Nature is on my doorstep, and being able to run, walk and swim outside has helped me get through the past year. I have enjoyed sharing some of the gorgeous views and local plant and wildlife with people on my Instagram page. Not commuting to work (an average of 3 hours a day travelling) means that I can spend that time outside getting some fresh air and exercise. I don’t want to lose that as things return to normal. I am hoping a hybrid model of working with a mix of both in office and at home working will allow some balance to continue.
My crafting has been slow this past year, and designing even more so. I have some plans (including another MKAL with Ann Kingstone later this year), however maintaining the balance between work and play means I am not rushing to get these out and I am taking time to enjoy the process, not just the finished product.
I have started a new blanket for myself, the Nature’s Walk Blanket by Sandra Paul. I chose my own colourway eighteen months ago on a trip to the Netherlands. I had not realised just what an impact my surroundings have on me until I was scrolling through photos and my photos of the Pennines in winter are so similar to my chosen yarn colours.
Sometimes after work, an easy crochet square is all that I can manage and this pattern is great for just picking up and completing something quickly. I have now crocheted one of each of the six pattern squares and loving how they look together. A perfect project to maintain some balance and ‘me’ time when life feels busy and my brain needs to reset. I find getting outside, and then a little bit of cooking and crafting gives me that balance after work.
Finding new ways to share this with everyone has led to some exciting plans which I hope to tell you about in the not too distant future. In the meantime, I am enjoying a new creative process and the anticipation of new projects, new social adventures and being able to connect in new ways.
Stay safe and happy Spring,
Sarah x