After two years of work, my book is finally here and ready to release to the outside world! I have been so excited about this, it has been really hard to not show you my patterns and photos, but at last I can share.
Rhovan (wilderness)
An Elven Reckoning is a book of twelve patterns inspired by the calendar that the Elves use in Rivendell: a reckoning. An Elvish reckoning has six seasons: spring (ethuil), summer (laer), autumn (iavas), fading (firith), winter (rhîw) and stirring (echuir). Each season in the book has two patterns, making twelve in all. Each pattern is named in the elvish language of Sindarin (but don't worry, translations of the names are given!).
Faradrim (hunter)
Ever since I first read J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, I have been in love with Rivendell, or the last homely house west of the mountains, and its Elves. So beautiful and graceful but powerful, and lets face it, I just want to be Arwen Evenstar. Rivendell in the pictures by Tolkien and in Peter Jackson's movies has always been on my bucket list to visit. It just looks so peaceful and idyllic.
Imloth (flowering valley)
The photos for this book were all taken at Beaumont park in Huddersfield. This is my favourite park as it has so much to explore. The lower castellated gate and the trees surrounding it reminded me of Rivendell the first time I walked there. It was whilst I was walking through the park that I was inspired to design this collection.
Nînim (snowdrop)
The beautiful photos were all taken by Christine Patterson - her website is and I recommend that you have a look at her work. She takes the most amazing photos and her photoshop skills (notice the elf ears on all my models?) are just fantastic! I cannot thank her enough. Before we started the photoshoot she caught the location and us getting ready on film. It shows just what an amazing place it is, and a bit of the fun we had taking photos and channelling our inner elf!
The book will be released on the 26th of September at Yarndale. I will have plenty of copies for sale and the garments of the book for you to try on. I will be on stand 135 with Gwen Wagner-Adair of Petitchoufleurknits. For now it can be pre-ordered as a print copy (with complimentary e-book) or just an e-book at a discounted price which is only available until midnight 25th September. When you purchase either print or e-book you will receive the lookbook straight away which contains all you need to start planning your knitting. The print book orders will be posted out the week after Yarndale. I hope to see you there!
Maethor (warrier)
Amrûn (sunrise)
Eryn (forest)
Gilgalad (starlight)
Rhien (crowned lady, queen)
Míriel (jewel-like)
Randir (wanderer)